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I was born on the 26th of June in the Philippines. I currently live in the Metro but was originally from a beautiful province called, Samar. I work as an auditor in one of the biggest banks in the country after I graduated with the degree in Accountancy and passed the licensure examinations. I’m a very big fan of the Kpop music as well as the korean culture and language and so this blog will most likely be about them and some random entries from time to time. I love writing because it helps me cope with the stress life and work always throw at me and also, I don’t really do well in public speaking and socialization so writing really is the best avenue to communicate everything I have in mind. I pretty much consider myself as an introvert but slightly outgoing person. Introvert because I usually recharge myself better when I’m alone in the comfort of my room rather than being with people. Outgoing because I also enjoy the company of friends and family and would go anywhere with a few I am comfortable with.

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